1.1. Planning Your Event Menu (with Example)

Before we can start making the recipes, we have to decide what we’re going to make, including quantities. You should make these decisions early on, so you have everything you need when you need it.


How many guests will you invite? If this is the first time you’re hosting, I recommend starting with a small event. Otherwise, it mostly depends on the type of event you want to host, your house, etc.

The recipes in this workshop are for 6-8 guests. If you’re expecting more guests, you should make a double batch of all the recipes except for the Grated Parmesan, so that everyone has a chance to try all the dishes. If you make more than you need, you can keep the extra batch in the fridge and enjoy it after the event.

What’s On the Menu?

For a start, you're going to make the cheeses and cheesy dishes that I teach you in this workshop. 

Check out the "What to Serve with the Cheese & Cheesy Dishes" lesson to find plenty of ideas and instruction on what to put on the menu besides these cheeses and cheesy dishes.

Event Menu Example (for 6-8 Guests)

Here's an example of a menu that you can use as-is or as a starting point for your event menu. Use this menu as you make the dishes and get your house ready to host.

Scroll down to find the printable version of the menu.

Make It a Full Meal - Add Soup and Cake

The basic event menu works great for a wine and cheese evening for 6-8 guests. To make your event into more of a full meal you can add the following dishes from my website:

For more options, check out What to Serve with the Cheese & Cheesy Dishes.

Printable Event Menu

Here's a printable version of the example menu.

Printable Menu - Vegan Wine and Cheese Event.pdf
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